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International Rounds

Registration for our international regional rounds for Oxford Schools' 2024/2025 are not yet open. For regions where there has been particular interest, there have been specific national/continental regional rounds already organised, but the online international rounds are open to debaters across the globe. These rounds are typically held in February, although specific dates are not finalised yet.


They are open to anyone aged 14-18 studying at a secondary educational institute outside the UK and Ireland. Team members must be from the same school. There will be a registration fee of £50 per team.


We are confident that these rounds will produce extremely high-calibre debates and provide an invaluable learning experience for all students involved. Teams that perform the best in these regionals will also have the opportunity to compete in Finals' Day, and have a chance to debate in the historic Oxford Union Chamber. 


If you would like us to bring an Oxford Schools' round to your country, please email us. See the list of pre-existing international regionals below as well their hosts, with more coming soon!





​Africa: Ideas Matter, Nqobile Dube,

​Australia: Speakers' Corner
Canada: Canadian Student Debating Federation
China: Solum TAIS Group,
Hong Kong: See Change Education 
Kenya: African Debate Academy,
Korea/East Asia: Leaders Academy,
Netherlands: Cato Brinkhof,
West Africa: Eric Awuah, Speech Forces
India: Indian Debate League,

UAE: Atlantic Ivy,

Romania: Avenor College

Vietnam: Vietnam Academy of Debate and Public Speaking
Tunisia: Debate, Eloquence & Rhetoric (DER) Association,

Singapore: Anglo-Chinese Junior College

USA: Cosmos Global Limited

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